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149.00 AED
Our 10 roses with filling wrapped in transparent black paper. This stunning arrangement features ten fresh and vibrant roses carefully selected by our expert florists and accompanied by exquisite fillings that complement the beauty of the roses.
Introducing our enchanting Garden Elegance Bouquet, a symphony of beauty and fragrance that captivates the senses. This exquisite arrangement features a harmonious blend of 5 stems of dark pink garden spray roses, 5 stems of pink garden spray roses, and 10 stems of delicate off-white spray roses. Each bloom is meticulously selected for its pristine beauty and rich, vibrant hues.
Look no further than our stunning 10 white and 10 rose spray rose bouquet. This beautiful arrangement features a mix of delicate white and romantic rose-colored spray roses, expertly arranged to showcase their beauty and fragrance. AÂ charming bouquet that combines the elegance of roses with the natural beauty of brown paper wrapping
Our stunning 50 red roses bouquet is the perfect choice. With its deep, rich color and velvety texture, this bouquet is sure to impress. Our expert florists hand-select only the finest roses to ensure that every bouquet is stunning and long-lasting. Whether you’re looking for a gift for a loved one or just want to treat yourself to something special, our 50 red roses bouquet is sure to make a statement. Order now and experience the beauty of fresh flowers today!
This exquisite bouquet is a masterpiece featuring 3 regal Dark Purple Hydrangeas, 2 delicate Pink Hydrangeas, 8 alluring White Garden Roses, and 6 Pink Garden Roses in a harmonious blend. The depth of purple hydrangeas to the sweetness of pink roses, all embraced in crisp white paper wrapping. This arrangement speaks volumes of love, gratitude, and admiration, making it a perfect gift for any occasion.
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